Limited-access plan: Just $29 US/month
Get 56 ATM® audio lessons with the Human Movement Starter Kit and the Seven Best Series.
Upgrade any time to over 800 lessons. View the current index.
Monthly all-access
$45 US/month
Over 800 audio lessons you can practice any time. See below for a list of categories, or view the current index here.
Six months all-access
$240 US (save $30)
Unravel old patterns with a deep dive into new movement. A six-month practice can make all the difference for a lifetime of better movement.
Annual all-access
$420 US (save $120)
See big changes when new patterns sink in over twelve months. As old habits drift away, you feel taller, lighter, and more powerful.
“Zoe is an exceptional guide to Feldenkrais. Her knowledge is profound and she shares it with ease and humor. I feel blessed to have her in my life.”
Sample a short lesson
Just lie on the floor and press play. Do not use a yoga mat, it’s too sticky for the sliding movements. Use a blanket on the floor, with a yoga mat underneath if you like.
New here? Read How to do a lesson.
Most frequently asked question: Why is this an audio file?
What do I get in the Treasury?
Here’s a list of Treasury categories. Each individual lesson is cross-referenced and described. (AY numbers are included in the index.)
Human movement starter kit, 7 lessons
Seven best series, 49 lessons
A flexible low back
Happy hands and arms
Free your hips
Wake up your spine
Effortless posture
De-stress and calm
Unwind your neck and shoulders
Full subscription
Anatomy, 217 lessons
Spine and pelvis, 42 lessons
Hips and legs, 21 lessons
Ribs, 21 lessons
Feet and ankles, 21 lessons
Hands and arms, 28 lessons
Upper back and shoulders, 21 lessons
Jaw, eyes, and neck, 42 lessons
Breathing, 21 lessons
Fundamentals, 99 lessons
Flexion and rolling, 42 lessons
Extension and diagonals, 28 lessons
Side bending and twisting, 29 lessons
Skeletal life workshops, 32 lessons
Graceful posture
Elegant expansion
Finding wholeness: The Five Lines
Trusting balance
Balancing, 35 lessons
Balance in standing
Finding the top of the hip
Standing up from a chair or the floor Centering for strength
Hoisting vs. levering
Calm and de-stress, 14 lessons
Gentle pressing and rolling
The body pattern of anxiety: Breathing and tapping
19 short lessons to relieve tension (not part of numerical sequence)
Moving out of pain, 16 lessons
16 effective, gentle lessons, a good starter practice.
Activities and functions, 70 lessons
Touch toes, squat, straighten legs: Help for hamstrings
Run, walk, hike
Hands: Type, knit, play music
Lessons IN walking
Powerful legs for active people
How to sit up
Help for sitting cross-legged
Using motor imagery (not numbered, just references)
Lengthening (not numbered, just references)
10 Chair lessons: Movement basics in a chair
(ten 20-minute lessons)
60 short tips and tricks: Short sequences 5-15 minutes
45 lessons from Moshe’s Esalen workshop: A good overview of the method
8 lessons from the ATM book: Moshe’s Basic Series (Not done yet)
20 lessons from Mia/Gaby: A brilliant overview, a good place for beginners.
171 lessons from professional trainings
“As a violinist, Feldenkrais has not only sped my recovery from injury, but greatly enhanced my sense of physical integrity, ease, and grace.”
“Feldenkrais lessons with Zoe are the best thing I ever did for my back pain. I learned movements that empowered me to solve my own problems.
All-access plans include:
Over 800 lessons and 65 short tips and tricks. (For comparison, a four-year Feldenkrais training offers between 250-350 lessons.)
New content added every week. View the current index here.
Studio-quality audio lessons without class noise, roughly 30-35 minutes each, all taught by me.
Hundreds of unique lessons not available to the public anywhere else.
Easy-to-follow curated programs in sets of seven lessons, plus a search option for the AY# or lesson name.
Guidance (and smiles!) with descriptions and annotations of every lesson.
Discounts on weekly classes and workshops.
Email support any time.
A deep dive into movement learning with over 25 years of my thoughtful, joyful teaching.
What is Awareness Through Movement®?
Lying on the floor, you are verbally directed through a series of gentle, non-invasive movements that grow increasingly complex. At the same time, you are asked to pay attention to specific sensory feedback.
For example, you might observe the shape, angle, speed, and force of your movement, as well as muscle tone, breathing, and skeletal relationships. Because you are asked to sense novel input while activating muscle patterns you don’t normally use, at the end of a lesson, habitual muscle contraction releases. As old tensions fall away, you feel taller, lighter, balanced, and more upright.
You don’t need any prior experience to track your own sensory feedback. As you become aware of your own habits and entrenched patterns, you will be guided in each lesson to uncover new pathways for easier, more efficient movement.
“Efficient movement or performance of any sort is achieved by weeding out, and eliminating, parasitic, superfluous exertion. The superfluous is as bad as the insufficient, only it costs more.